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  • Dudouet F.-X. (2018),The elite and power: contribution to a sociology of sociological concepts, unpublished dissertation for authorization to direct research, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay, defended at Paris Dauphine University on May 4, 2018.

  • Dudouet F.-X.; Joly H., Vion A. (2015), “Big bosses and politics”, Cohen A., Lacroix B., Riutort P.,New political science textbook, Paris, La Découverte. pp. 281-292.

  • Dudouet F.-X. (2015), “European corporate elites”, Lambert Abdelgawad E.°; Michel H. (eds.),Dictionary of European Actors, Brussels, Larcier.

  • Comet C.; Dudouet F.-X; Finez J. (2014), “Patrons of the CAC 40”, Chauvin Pierre-Marie, Grossetti Michel, Zalio Pierre-Paul (dir.),Sociological dictionary of entrepreneurship, Paris, Les Presses de Sciences-Po. pp. 431-447.

  • Dudouet F.-X.; Grémont E.; Vion A. (2012), “Transnational business Networks in the Eurozone: a focus on four major stock exchange indices”, Murray G.°; Scott J.°; (ed.),Financial Elites and Transnational Business, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham & Northampton. pp. 124-145.

  • Dudouet F.-X.; Grémont E.; Pageaut A. (2012), “The “big bosses” in Europe: some avenues for reflection for the analysis of the field of European economic elites”, Georgakakis Didier (dir.),The field of Eurocracy: a political sociology of EU personnel, Paris, Economica, Political Studies Collection. pp. 257-285.

  • Dudouet F.-X. (2011), “Legitimate and illicit uses of drugs”, Cesoni M.-L.; Devresse M.-S. (dir.),The use and possession of drugs, between criminalization and decriminalization, Academic Press Fribourg, Res Socialis collection. pp. 61-80.

  • Dudouet F.-X. (2009),The big opium deal. History of the legal drug market, Paris, Editions Syllepse, Preface by Howard S. Becker.

  • Dudouet F.-X, Grémont E., Vion A. (2009), “Core business in the Eurozone: an interlocking directorate study of four European stock exchange indices (AEX 25, CAC 40, DAX 30, MIB 40)” ;»,Electronical Journal of Radical Organization Theory. The Sixth International Critical Management Studies Conference, Stream 24 Elites, Warwick Business School, 2009, July 13-15.

  • Dudouet F.-X. (2004), “Rethinking Drugs”,The political framing of drugs, Around Howard Becker, Paris, Editions Peppers.

  • Dudouet F.-X. (2002), “The pharmaceutical industry and drugs”,Studio Diplomatica, vol LV, n°5-6. pp. 145-170.

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