Corporate governance
I have been working on the governance of large companies for around fifteen years. The aim of this research is to think about the forms of power exercised on and in joint stock companies based on the social morphology of managers and their business relationships. This reflection is developed on several axes: the training and careers of managers of large companies, the conditions of access to the top of firms, national and transnational business networks, the functioning of financial markets and the social logics of monetary issue. My areas of interest initially focused on France and companies listed on the CAC 40, before extending to the main stock market indices of the Eurozone. Recently, the scope of my investigations concerns the entire planet. The projectCorporate Honorum aims to show how the careers of leaders increasingly converge to form a vast, decentralized and, nevertheless, perfectly coordinated bureaucracy.

Business network of the main firms listed on the stock exchange within the euro zone in 2006